“What I Have Learned This Year” 
Essay David Shirey Essay David Shirey

“What I Have Learned This Year” 

What have you learned this year as an interim at Broadway?

I was asked that question at dinner last week by my mentor and friend Rick Frost. Rick pastored Broadway alongside my dear fried and prayer partner Kim Gage Ryan for 20+ years. Theirs was a faithful, fruitful ministry. I promised him a response which I share with you. What follows are not new learnings as much as reaffirmations of lessons learned over forty years. 

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Not According to Script 
Essay David Shirey Essay David Shirey

Not According to Script 

Let me just say this: Things don't always go according to script in our lives.  Did 2023 go according to script for you? Do you think 2024 will? Not a chance. But fear not, because God can redeem things that aren’t going according to script. That includes not only Christmas pageants, but lives:  including your life and mine.  And worlds: this one.

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