David A. Shirey

Nic Showalter Photography

Let me introduce myself…

“If I’m run up, read up, friended up and prayed up, I’m up for anything” is my motto (but trying to put this web site together nearly did me in!)

Years ago, I was smitten by Frederick Buechner’s iconic invitation: “Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is... because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.”

My lifelong Amen! to that sentiment is expressed in the wondering and writing, pondering and preaching, savoring and speaking born of forty years of ministry, marriage, and Spirit-led meandering through eight states north, south, east, and west.

Writer. Storyteller. Journaler. Essayist. Memoirist. Preacher. Teacher. Runner (“The older you get, the faster you were”). Lifelong learner. Contemplative leader. INFP on the Myers-Briggs. Enneagram 9. Lefty. Pastor. Mentor. Friend. Jennie’s Husband. Will, Betsy, and Laura’s Dad. Hayden, Blair and Emerson’s Poppy.