“Twas the Night before All Saints”

October 29, 2023

“Twas the Night before All Saints” (with apologies to Clement Moore)

Broadway Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

A poem by David A. Shirey

‘Twas the night before All Saints Day, when all through my house

Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse

Who had placed jack ‘o lanterns by our front door with care

In hopes trick-or-treaters soon would be there;


My children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of candy wrappers danced in their heads;

And Jennie in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,

Had just settled down for an October nap,


When out on the porch I heard something stir,

Then the doorbell rang and I arose in a whirr,

I threw on my bathrobe and went like a flash,

Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.


The moon on that eve was full and shone so

That it gave the luster of mid-day to objects below,

And who on my very own front porch should appear,

But two Broadway youth— George and Violet were here!


Adam and Eve (George and Violet)


I opened the door, looked down, and did see,

A couple with fig leaves: ‘twas Adam and Eve.

Looking up higher I cried, “Heaven’s sake!”

All coiled and slithering, hissing—the snake!


Adam and Eve said “Don’t listen to him!

He’ll lead you astray.  Don’t go out on that limb!”

But snake hissed, “What God says-- Don’t worry about it.

God gave you free will.  That means you can flout it.”


“Do what you want, and when, where, and why

You’re the boss.  You’re the captain.  Not some God way up high.”

Whereupon George and Violet, our Adam and Eve,

Told the snake to be quiet, said, “You need to leave!”


They said, “We’ve learned a lesson for all ages to hear:

Love God and love others and you’ve nothing to fear.

For the things that God tells us are for our own good,

Be joyfully obedient. Do as you should.”


So I said to the snake, “You’re hissing up the wrong tree here.

These two have reminded me of truths I hold dear.”

And Violet and George went on their way

With a lilt in their steps- a fig leaf sashay!



Abraham and Sarah (Sawyer and Adelaide)


Next before me Sawyer and Addie W. stood

Abraham and Sarah-- In their old age they looked good!

Models of faith, they went forth at God’s call

Not knowing where to, not knowing at all.


But with the promise of a child, they went on their way

Became the forebears of three world religions today:

Christianity, Judaism, Islam -- all three

Children of God’s promise, chosen are we.


Then off went Sawyer and Addie, faithful as can be.

They were blessed to be a blessing, and we’re their legacy.


Miriam (Chloe)


I began to close the front door, but then, what do you know--

There stood before me Chloe, all dressed up just so.

I asked her, “What’s happening?  Am I in some delirium?”

She said “No, Pastor David, I’m Moses’ sister, Miriam.”


I said, “What have you there?” She said, “What do you mean?

This instrument in my hand is my famous tambourine.

When the Red Sea parted and we went through on dry land,

I grabbed this blessed instrument, held it just so in my hand    


And I sang ‘Sing to the Lord, God has triumphed gloriously,

the horses and the riders God has thrown in the sea.’”


I thanked Chloe Miriam for the treat she brought me

And off she went a-dancing, as joyful as can be.


Samson (Owen) 


No sooner had Miriam disappeared into the night

Than another Bible hero appeared before my sight.

‘Twas none other than Owen in his best Samson attire

The muscle man from Judges whom I very much admire.


But don’t let looks deceive, for though Samson was strong

And relied on his own might, he didn’t for long.

Done in by Delilah, blinded, helpless, scared, concerned

At long last to the true source of his strength Samson turned.


“O God,” he did pray, “It’s not might that makes right.”

Rather, it’s the strength from above that prevails in the fight.


The force that rules the universe is not Samson-like, you see, 

But a crucified carpenter from Galilee:  King of Kings is he.


I thanked Owen Samson for the treat he brought me

And off he went, hair grown back, soul strong as can be.

Ruth (Cora)


Next I had the pleasure of greeting -- I’m telling you the truth--

Our own Cora C. all dressed up as Ruth.


Said Naomi upon the death of Ruth’s husband, her son,

“My life is over, the damage is done.

I’m an old woman, there’s no future for me.

But you’re young yet, so go on.  Go home, Ruth.  You’re free.”


But friend that she was, Ruth to Naomi said, “No.

Whither thou goest is whither I’ll go

Where you lodge is where I’ll lodge, wherever is fine

Your people will be my people, and your God will be mine.”


Ruth did remarry, was the grandmother of David

Through the wonder of God’s providence, the whole family was sav-ed,

And Naomi, she just smiled at what the Lord can do

When true vows of faithfulness are exchanged and kept between two. 


I thanked young Cora for the lesson she shared

About vows of commitment, lives eternally paired.   


David (Benton)


Next on my step Benton did stand

Dressed as shepherd boy David, slingshot in hand.

“Now Benton,” I said, “Be careful out there!

Word has it a giant is lurking—Beware!”


But Benton as David said defiantly,

“My God’s bigger than him, though he’s bigger than me.

And so though he mocks me, says ‘Bring on your God!’

When I’m through with him, he’ll be face down in the sod!”


I thanked young Benton for the treat he brought me.

Off he went to tackle life’s giants, confident as can be.


Daniel and lion (JC and Simon)


Well, who next to my eyes did suddenly appear

But JC as Daniel, young man without fear. 

Though Nebuchadnezzar had threatened to kill him,

He turned to the Lord who with courage did fill him.


I asked him, “Now Daniel tell me again

How you spent that long night in Simon the lion’s den.”

He said “When the king demanded I bow down to an idol,

I said, ‘Won’t do it. No way! Answer’s final!’” 


I thanked JC Daniel for the treat he brought me

As off he went uncompromised, courageous, and free.

With Simon the lion, his fierceness once famed,

But now thanks to God’s calming, eternally tamed.

Esther (Sylvie) 


Next I saw approaching me, anybody could have guessed her

‘Twas the queen, her Royal Majesty, Sylvie as Esther.

 “So Sylvie,” I said, “or Esther or Your Majesty:

What do you want us to remember about what transpired with thee?”


She said, “I take no credit for the courage I did show

I was raised to know when to say Yes and when to say No! No!

So when Haman devised that plot -- God’s people to destroy

I did the only thing I could, the power of prayer did employ.


Oh God, give me the strength to stand up for the right

And though I may be trembling, to your hand I’ll hold tight

And trust that come what may, as I do what I do

You will bring forth in the end what is good, right and true.”


So I thanked Queen Esther profusely for the treat that she brought

And prayed God for the same courage that she from God sought.


Mary and Gabriel (Anna and Abe)  


When next the doorbell rang I did not for a moment tarry,

For there was Abe as Angel Gabriel and Anna as Mary.

“Be not afraid” said the angel as once to Mary he had said

“The child to be born will be called holy, the One of whom the prophets said:


‘He’ll be great, Son of the Most High, o’er David’s throne he’ll reign

He’ll be born to you, a virgin, live, die, and rise again’

And you Mary will be remembered for what you said, be assured:

‘I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be according to your word.’”  


Off went Anna Mary and Abe Gabriel, too. 

But before they left I said to them, “I’ll tell you what we’ll do”

If you come back December 10th, we’ll reenact your story yet again,

With Joseph, shepherds, and a manger, and later, three wise men.


Paul (Sam)

Along came Sam as Paul, a mailbox had he

With letters to Philippi, Corinth and Rome, Italy.


On the Damascus Road he was struck down with a light from on high

‘Twas the risen Lord Jesus to Saul drawing nigh

To convert from enemy to evangelist he

Who would become the church’s finest missionary.


Now all of Paul’s letters are for us to read

To ponder and study, that Christ may us lead

And change us and use us as Jesus used Paul

For if Paul could be saved, there’s hope for us all!



Lydia (Cordelia)


What a sight was next, Cordelia in purple before me,

Dressed as the saint of Philippi – Lydia – Yippee!

Were it not for you, your wealth and how you gave it

The first churches Paul started would never have made it.


And your hospitality, how you opened your home to Apostle Paul 

For that new church’s Bible studies, worship, outreach, and all,

“I’ve learned,” she said, “through my lifetime the secret of our living

Is not found in the holding on, but the reaching out and giving.”


I bid Cordelia adieu. She went off in her purple adorned

And I turned off the porch light, a wee bit forlorn

Because the parade was now over Broadway’s own brought to me

In a procession that lasted from midnight ‘till a quarter to three!


“My, what a night!” I said, returning to my seat

I laid back in my recliner. I lifted my feet.

And instead of counting sheep that night, I counted saints of God

Who had blessed me by their presence, on my front porch had trod.


I bid you all a blessed All Saints Day and a blessed All Hallows Eve,  

It’s not about ghouls and goblins but saints— do believe!

You needn’t wait for late October for God’s saints on you to call.

They’re right there in your Bible—the whole crew, one and all.


So, to our costumed heroes and heroines, hear me when I say:

You will always be God’s children as you live faithfully each day.


Let all God’s children, all the saints, say AMEN.


Three Words for our World: Gentleness


“Homecoming 523 B.C.E.”